Steps How Electronic OEM Brand Companies and EMS Manufacturers Purchase Semiconductor Components
Detailed scenarios how electronics components are qualified and added to electronics product approved vendor lists (AVL). Includes activities by OEM brand companies, non-OEM component firms and component distributors.

After semiconductor non-OEM components manufacturers jump through hoops to get their chipsets on the OEM approved vendors list (AVL), more work remains so they can secure purchase orders (PO) for their now 'qualified’ components.
The buyer can be the OEM, and it can be the contract electronics (EMS) provider. The latter comes into play when considering build location for the OEM product and whether the EMS or ODM (original design manufacturer) is involved in the bidding (and the ‘buyer’ is the contract electronics solutions provider).
The way a semiconductor vendor secures POs for their components from OEM and EMS/ODM companies can involve up to five (5) scenarios. These are not entirely sequential, and this depends whether a ‘step’ occurs exclusively with the EMS/ODM company instead of the OEM.